Acoustic Movable Sliding Wall Service – Wheatley Park School, Oxford

As part of our ongoing service contract, we prearranged a movable wall service at Wheatley Park School in Oxford. The sports hall is used on a daily basis, so it was arranged to be carried out during the summer holidays causing no disruption to the school.

During our service we have a specific schedule of work we carry out to ensure that:

  • The track is secure,
  • The rollers are inspected for wear
  • The tracks are clean and free of debris
  • All fixings are secure
  • All panels are correctly aligned with each other, the track and floor
  • All seals are fully operational
  • A conditional report is carried out
  • A service checklist is provided for your records

Also, as part of our movable wall service, we will clean the track and panel faces paying particular attention to remove scuff marks, etc to leave the system as good a new.

We understand that if your acoustic movable wall or sliding partition fails or requires a service it will cause inconvenience and potential loss of business so will always schedule the works at your most suitable time.

Regular service and preventative maintenance visits will maximise the life of your movable walls or sliding partitions and save you the inconvenience and unwanted expense of installing replacement systems.

movable sliding wall service oxford
Prior to us attending your site, we can provide our DBS, Health and Safety policy, insurances and a risk assessment. It is important that all documents are available to reduce inconvenience and wasting time so that we can work as soon as possible when we attend site.


1. When will my 1st service take place?
As soon as you accept your quotation, we will contact you to arrange when is the most convenient to you and your business. It could also be set within your maintenance period of your building such as during the holidays within a school, call us to discuss your requirements.
2. My current contractor has told me my movable wall system needs replacing as it is obsolete, can you help?
Yes of course, we have accounts with all of the manufacturers and distributors as we are independent, which means that we may be able to source parts which others may find impossible. We pride ourselves on repairing movable walls rather than selling new. Also, within BH doors we have a lot of experience with all of the manufacturer’s equipment so the issue may just be a fault which we could rectify or replace service items on a call out or provide a quotation, call us to discuss your requirement
3. Why do I need to have my movable wall serviced and maintained?

All doors, whether manual or automatic, are complex components subject to punishing wear and tear potentially on a daily basis. Therefore, to ensure that they continue to function properly, regular service and maintenance is imperative. According to Workplace Health, Safety and Work Regulations, building owners are responsible for keeping their acoustic movable walls in good working order. This includes the operation, efficiency, and usage to be maintained according to manufacturer’s specifications and standards.

Also, small faults with your movable wall will turn into major component failure if not rectified, which is why we have s specific schedule of works and include minor repairs within our service contract agreements.